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White Papers

Webhooks with SharePoint Online

Webhooks are a coding pattern that allow for applications to subscribe to system changes. This pattern is widely used by modern application, and SharePoint Online has now started to support them in preview. Using webhooks to be notified of changes in SharePoint opens new possibilities of what types of applications you can build on top of the SharePoint platform. This presentation will explain what webhooks are, when to use them over Workflows and Remote Event Receivers, and a live demo of creating a webhook that subscribes to a SharePoint document library.
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Gain a Competitive edge with Data Analytics

Learn the real time challenges faced by organizations while deploying or using Data Analytics. Hear from our CEO, Niraj Tenany addressing the issues faced on Infrastructure, performance and service-level agreement levels (more…)
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5 steps to get started with effective content governance strategy and how Office 365 can help?

Understand the business process and purpose of content for effective enterprise content governance strategy.
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Webinar: 5 steps to get started with effective content governance strategy and how Office 365 can help?

Understand the business process and purpose of content for effective enterprise content governance strategy.
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Webinar: SharePoint, Nintex and DocuSign - Putting it all together

Learn the capabilities of Nintex, DocuSign and SharePoint and how the three can be integrated for greater collaboration.
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Webinar: SharePoint, Nintex and DocuSign - Putting it all together

Learn the capabilities of Nintex, DocuSign and SharePoint and how the three can be integrated for greater collaboration.
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Webinar: Powerful and Quick Workflow Automation Solutions with Nintex

Explore how, what and why use Nintex with SharePoint. Learn how to quickly build Nintex workflows, forms and solutions with no code.
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Webinar: Maximizing Your Office 365 Investments With OneDrive

Learn how to maximize OneDrive with Office 365 and have virtually ubiquitous access to open, edit and share data from anywhere.
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Webinar: How to develop your SharePoint forms strategy for Cloud and On-Prem

Have a large set of Infopath forms and business processes? Learn about your options and how Netwoven and Nintex can help.
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Webinar: Developing an Effective Search Strategy for Office 365 and Hybrid Deployments

Learn how to maximize Microsoft Enterprise Search with Office 365 and SharePoint hybrid deployments.
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Introduction to SharePoint 2013 Content Management

Introduction to SharePoint 2013 Content Management for Power/Business Users.
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Webinar: 8 Things you must know when developing your hybrid SharePoint strategy with Office 365

Things you must know for hybrid SharePoint strategy as the industry moves towards cloud based computing.
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xRM and unlock your data

Unlock the value of data from the experts at Netwoven
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Inspiring Insights to Drive Action using Power BI

Power BI from Netwoven: Visualize your data in new ways
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Nuts and Bolts of Building Compliance Process with Nintex and SharePoint 2013

Compliance has become very rigorous and you need a system that can handle all the old processes, as well as any new ones that are initiated.
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8 Things to Consider for Making your Migration to SharePoint Online a Success!

Learn from the experts at Netwoven on how to define your cloud migration strategy for SharePoint Online.
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Learn How to Use Microsoft Power BI for Office 365 to Analyze Salesforce Data

Learn how you can build powerful business analytics solutions with Microsoft’s Power BI for Office 365 from the experts at Netwoven.
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Records Management and eDiscovery for Business Users and IT

Review SharePoint eDiscovery and Records management capabilities and learn best practices.
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Practical SharePoint 2013 Development Environment

Learn about the real-world challenges and best practices to build a SharePoint 2013 Development Environment.
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How to Mobilize your SharePoint and BI

Has your organization responded to this growth in mobile workforce? Is your business content available and accessible from anywhere?
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Introduction to SharePoint 2013 WCM-DM-ECM For Business Users and Developers

Learn how the new capabilities of SharePoint 2013 will help improve your WCM / ECM / DM deployment.
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Integrating Salesforce and SharePoint 2013

Learn several integration points between Salesforce and SharePoint to allow the seamless use of both technologies.
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Search and Taxonomy Demonstration

Many organizations today only use 1/6th of all SharePoint capabilities. How much of your Microsoft investments are you using?
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Create Search Driven Business Intelligence Application Using Fast Search for SharePoint

Mining business critical structured information out of unstructured content like documents, emails, blob of text etc.
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7 Fatal Mistakes Made When Migrating From Microsoft SharePoint 2007 to 2010

Learn the common, yet incredibly costly mistakes made with regard to data management.
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Social Networking Using SharePoint 2010

Learn the Social Networking capabilities of SharePoint 2010 that improves organizational collaboration & communication.
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Developing an Effective Search Strategy for Office 365 and Hybrid Deployments

Watch the Webinar presented by Netwoven and BA Insight on Developing an Effective Search Strategy for Office 365 and Hybrid Deployments.
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How to develop your SharePoint forms strategy for Cloud and On Prem

This webinar discusses how Nintex's Office 365 forms and workflows can help you create cloud based applications.
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Maximizing Your Office 365 Investments With OneDrive

Learn how to maximize OneDrive with Office 365 and have virtually ubiquitous access to open, edit and share data from anywhere.
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Powerful and Quick Workflow Automation Solutions with Nintex

Explore how, what and why use Nintex with SharePoint. Learn how to quickly build Nintex workflows, forms and solutions with no code. 
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Silverlight Tips & Tricks: Easy steps to use Dependency Property, Tree Viewes and more

Silverlight is rapidly emerging as technology of choice for User Interface implementation for web based application. 
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Using SharePoint 2010 for your Web Properties

SharePoint 2010 is used widely as a content or document management system, for company intranets, extranets and public websites.
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Search Based Applications and BI

Search based application is a new category of application that enables users to find information from any source and in any format.
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Business Intelligence White Paper – I : Introduction to the latest Microsoft technologies for Business Intelligence

According to Gartner, Business Intelligence is still an area where considerable investment is being made by companies.
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Business Intelligence White Paper – II : Excel Services in SharePoint 2010

Perform a wide variety of tasks from managing project schedules to performing complex financial analysis through Excel.
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