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Data Intelligence

Data Intelligence

We are in the age of data revolution where the world is truly connected and information flows at the speed of light. Data is now being collected from a wide variety of sources in numerous different formats at a scale and rate that was unimaginable just a few years back. Along with rapid evolving technologies and underlying frameworks, the pace of innovation and transformation has accelerated substantially. Now more than ever, its critical for companies to make use of their data to extract valuable insights so that they can make intelligent decisions and gain competitive advantage.

With our deep industry expertise and domain knowledge, Netwoven can be your trusted partner to help you navigate, understand, implement and be successful in this ever changing, constantly disruptive and fast-paced globalized marketplace. We can help you leverage the power of data that you already own to create analytics and models to solve your toughest business challenges. Whether you are looking to create a new vision, evaluate platforms or implement an end-to-end solution, our Data and AI practice can help you succeed and thrive in this new age data landscape.​

Data Platform

Our Data Platform Service is designed to ensure that no matter the shape or scale of your data, you are in a position to derive the maximum possible value from your data.

Data Modernization
Assess and Evaluate the as-is state of data environment in your organization. Recommend a data modernization architecture and roadmap based on your current and projected data workloads and application requirements at scale. Data Modernization plans include services such as Moving your data to faster, more secure and adaptable data platforms. On-Premises to Cloud Data Migration. Setup of a Hybrid Data Environment. Lift and shift to the cloud with no node changes. Ensure that your data and processes are reliably migrated to new setup and operationalized without causing any disruptions to your business.

Data Governance and Master Data Management
Establish a holistic framework for data stewardship to identify the ownership, accountability and responsibility for the quality, security and privacy of data. Design and align data governance strategy in accordance with your business requirements and industry standards. Define data lifecycle processes to manage where and how long your data lives. Design and Implement Master Data Management processes to ensure there’s one version of accurate master data for entities critical to your business activities. Identify training requirements for key roles and conduct training as required.​

Data Migration and Integration
Design data migration and integration applications that will provide you the ability to copy or move huge volumes of data in a secure environment at latency that you desire. Develop data migration and integration processes to automate the task of moving and integrating data between disparate systems with different data types and workloads. Instrument the processes so that migration and integration failures can be easily identified, escalated and remediated if the need be..


Data Visualization

One of the biggest challenge facing organizations today is the ability to decode large amounts of data and present it in a format that will help analysts, information workers, middle level managers and C-level executives drive the operational, tactical and strategic decisions that need to be made. Our Data Visualization Service has the experience and the expertise to create highly efficient, meaningful visualizations that’s easy to comprehend and available on-demand. The services that we offer are :

Architecture and Strategy for Effective Visualization Framework Assess and recommend a detailed data presentation roadmap (tools and applications) based on your data and reporting requirements that will help you generate visualizations quickly, effectively and consistently. Recommend tools and techniques to analyze existing process and business data, complement current internal technical skills and effectively derive value out of your visualization solution.

Design and Development of Dashboards and Reports
Leverage industry leading applications and platform to build interactive Dashboards and Reports that reveal patterns, trends and relationships in a secure environment. Provide an ability to perform custom analysis such as forecasting and what-if analysis. Automate the process of importing, cleaning and managing data required for the visualizations so that it reduces the overall maintenance overhead. Ensure that the visualizations can be easily and efficiently consumed on devices with varying form factor across various workloads. Build seamless data refresh processes at short scheduled intervals so that the data in the visualizations would always reflect the current and accurate state of your business. BI Visualization Workshop Evaluate your organizations BI Visualization training requirements for key roles Develop and deliver BI visualization training to ensure that information workers in your organization can effectively and efficiently build dashboards and reports using the available tools and data sources. Ensure that your IT support personnel is well-trained to handle the anticipated impact and troubleshoot and remediate errors promptly.


Data Science and AI

With exploding volumes of data and rapidly evolving computing technology, organizations are increasingly making use of scientific methods, statistical models and algorithms to extract and process data to drive business growth and efficiency. The goal of our experienced Data Science and AI Practice is to enable organizations like yours gain insights, find patterns and detect trends to improve efficiency and profitability of your business using Machine Learning algorithms and Deep Learning techniques. The services that we offer are :

Machine Learning

Provide guidance and counselling on the Machine Learning platforms, tools and algorithms that’s best suited to solve your business problems and accelerate innovation.

Leverage Machine Learning algorithms and Industry leading frameworks and libraries to extract valuable insights and features from huge workloads of structured, unstructured and semi-structured data sources.

Build trained data models from your data to further your organizations goals such as recommendation engines, fraud detection, threat prevention, risk mitigation, anomaly detection, churn management and many more.

Develop interactive analytics and visualizations in context so that your decision makers and scientists can explore, analyze, imagine and uncover new business opportunities.

Data Engineering

Partner with your Data Scientists, Modelers and Analysts to review and analyze the data requirements for your Data Science and Big Data endeavors.

Design and Build a secure, reliable, scalable and fault-tolerant end-to-end Data Pipeline from Data Ingestion to Data Cleaning and Transformation to Data Storage and Visualization.

Develop prototypes and pilots to validate approaches prior to production rollouts to incrementally add value in augmenting your data landscape.

Maintain and optimize data storage structures and distributed systems required for all of your data processing needs and ensure that the data conforms to identified standards and best practices.

Cognitive Computing and Deep Learning

Assist you in navigating the landscape and comprehending the power of Artificial Intelligence to help you envision opportunities and solutions that will benefit your organization.

Harness the power of Cognitive Services and Toolkits along with Deep Learning practices and algorithms to help you build the next generation of innovative transformational products and applications.


Data and Business Analytics

In this hyper-connected age, data is the currency of the business. Organizations around the world are constantly looking for meaningful ways to interpret critical business data to unlock key intelligence and insights. Our Data Analytics Practice is structured to help you understand your business better so as to make smart decisions that drive efficiency and profitability. No matter where your data resides or in what form, we leverage industry leading tools and techniques to connect, cleanse transform and interpret your data in order to help you maximize your business objectives. The services that we offer are :

Data Warehouse and Data Marts

Develop enterprise wide business data strategy, guidance and roadmap specifically focused on business intelligence and analytics so that you can derive the maximum benefit based on your data and your objectives.

Leverage suitable on-premise or cloud technologies and platforms to provide you with consistent and fast data stores for your single source of truth data.

Design and build scalable and reliable enterprise data warehouse solutions using your transactional / operational data to provide you the knowledge to make vital business decisions and get answers.

Build efficient data processing and integration pipelines necessary for aggregating and manipulating data for your reporting and analytics needs.

Partner with you to understand your needs, provide advice and design an custom tailored data mining solution to mine and translate various sources of data such as structured data, web data, social media data, logs, images and documents.

Utilize premier data mining tools and techniques to help you interpret your business data accurately to identify trends, patterns, outliers and associations across diverse verticals such as retail, manufacturing, finance and healthcare.


Connected Devices and Data

From tiny medical devices to huge industrial equipment to smart home gadgets, the Connected Devices and Internet of Things technology is redefining how we connect people, data and devices. As your organizations seeks to build new products, expand into different markets or revolutionize the way businesses work, our Connected Devices and Data Service will help you accelerate the conversion from idea and plans to implementation and rollout. The services that we offer are:

IoT Strategy and Framework   

Understand your vision, target industry and market and assess your readiness.

Identify the right mix of platform, technology and standards to help you innovate and reduce the time and risk in implementation.

Assist in conducting feasibility studies, prototyping of solutions, validating the idea and defining a framework to ensure you can quickly move from concept to plan to implementation.

Prepare a comprehensive blueprint to productize and operationalize your products or services based on industry trends and benchmarks.

IoT End-to-End System Integration<

Rapid Prototyping and POCs with agile methodologies to quickly identify viable approaches.

Design multi-tenant architecture and framework to support secure, reliable, extensible and scalable products and devices.

Develop in short, targeted and iterative cycles to increase effectiveness and reduce risks in building market ready IoT solutions.

IoT Managed Services

Host and manage your connected devices infrastructure on the cloud platform.

Monitor and Measure the health of your Infrastructure and Assets and provide timely alerts and updates.

Develop custom applications such as Dashboards and Analytics to provide you visibility into your business with relevant metrics and insights.

Perform predictive maintenance, device upgrades, firmware updates, bug fixes and device replacement wherever necessary.

Provide 24/7 Multi-tier Global Support to ensure that your customers get the care and attention that they deserve.

Scale up and down your services based on the product lifecycle or seasonality of your service.