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content and collaboration

Content and Collaboration

IDC’s Worldwide Content Collaboration Forecast 2015-2019 estimates that the cloud content and collaboration market is expected to experience a strong growth rate of 23.1 percent through 2019 while the on-premises growth is flat at 0.9 percent. Per many industry leaders, contextual collaboration is how people naturally work. Teams are generally collaborating around content – whether that be a document, image or video.

LXR Infotech offers a set of services to enable customers to embrace a responsive, modern workplace. Our experienced consultants with extensive industry and domain knowledge work with our clients to maximize the value of their Office 365 environment via SharePoint, OneDrive, Yammer, Planner, and Delve.


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Microsoft Office 365 Services

According to Mckinsey, companies with superior collaborative capabilities achieve superior financial results.


Microsoft SharePoint Services

Provide superior content and collaboration services to your employees and customers for the digital world.


Introducing LXR Infotech SharePoint Employee Intranet Portal

A turnkey approach that allows you to setup an intranet in Office 365 with an accelerated out-of-the-box deployment.According to Gartner, 40% of intranet projects fail to garner adequate adoption to achieve ROI. And 10% to 15% of initiatives are scrapped all together.Remove the hassle, project and expense of doing it yourself.

OneDrive For Business

Looking to fully maximize your investment in Office 365? If you’re aiming to improve team collaboration and ready to move your business data and file storage online, OneDrive for Business is an excellent decision. With over 80% of Fortune 500 companies on Microsoft Cloud, OneDrive for Business can help you reduce your IT Infrastructure responsibilities, improve reliability and data redundancy and improve accessibility to data from any device.

eRoom to Office 365 Migration

Old tools hurt your USERs’ productivity.Old tools hurt YOUR credibility. It’s time to move on.Ready to move from your outdated eRoom implementation to a modern Microsoft Office 365 collaboration solution? Office 365 is one of the most deployed productivity tools today, used by 85% of organizations. Enjoy the benefits of Office 365 without the hassle and risk of migrating your users and environment by yourself.

You know you’re ready to leave eRoom if:

Users complain about eRoom’s clunky user experience

Users stop using eRoom and opt for rogue cloud-based collaboration tools

Can’t justify the expense of managing and maintaining eRoom

You’ve already got Office 365

Jive to Office 365 Migration

Are you paying more for collaboration because you use both Jive and Office 365?

Are you frustrated with uncertainties associated with Jive and its high licensing cost?

Are you on a constant look out for the right tools in the collaboration landscape to optimize your productivity while improving socialization?

If the answer is yes, then probably you are not the only one, we are already experiencing an increase in customers considering migrating from Jive to other platforms.

Why choose Yammer over Jive?

Yammer provides an intuitive interface for social collaboration

Most of the entities of Jive map nicely to Yammer + SharePoint objects

Office 365 permission model can accommodate Jive object security

Over 80% of the Fortune 500 companies already use Yammer

Jive users find good similarity with Yammer interface

Support for content versioning at all levels